KM3NeT - News Archive

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KM3NeT and ANTARES at IPHC in Strasbourg

photo-meeting-antares-km3net-strasbourg-2016 28 September 2016 – This week,  researchers of the ANTARES and KM3NeT Collaborations meet in Strasbourg, France to discuss neutrino physics and the progress of building the KM3NeT detectors ARCA and ORCA. The meeting is hosted by the ANTARES/KM3NeT research group of Thierry Pradier at the Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert CURIEN (IPHC). At the end of the week the researchers will move to Mainz, Germany to meet the colleagues of the IceCube and Baikal neutrino telescopes at the annual GNN MANTS meeting to exchange the detailed knowledge about the analysis techniques and discuss future steps in neutrino physics and astronomy.

Poster prize for ORCA in an emerging research field

prem_model_v322 July 2016 – The KM3NeT Collaboration congratulates Simon Bourret, Astroparticle and Cosmology, Paris with the award of one of the Best Poster Prizes for his poster presented at the International ISAPP Summer Institute, 11-21 July in L’Aquila, Italy.

During 10 days at the Gran Sasso Science Institute, young physicists, geophysicists, and geologists exchanged knowledge and skills with the aim to shape an emerging inter-disciplinary field of geoscience research using methodologies from (astro)particle physics.

In his poster with the title ‘Earth Tomography with KM3NeT/ORCA’ Simon showed the potential of the ORCA detector for imaging the interior of the Earth using neutrinos penetrating the globe.

The idea is to use the ‘matter-effect’ that for neutrinos traversing the Earth will modify the pattern of oscillating from one neutrino type into another. Using this ‘matter-effect’ and studying the angular and energy distribution of these neutrinos, tomographic information of the Earth interior can be provided.  In particular, ORCA may contribute to constraining the chemical composition of Earth layers that are not accessible for direct geophysical measurements. A new research field is emerging!





KM3NeT at Neutrino 2016

KM3NeT at Neutrino14 July 2016 – Last week, KM3NeT researchers have participated in the biannual get together of neutrino physicists at the 27th International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics, Neutrino 2016 in London, England. Read more

Poster prize

Joao Coelho-neutrino2016

12 July 2016 – The KM3NeT Collaboration congratulates João Coelho, Astroparticle and Cosmology, Paris with the award of one of the Nature Poster Prizes at the Neutrino 2016 conference, 4-9 July in London. The jury selected his poster with the title Probing new physics with atmospheric neutrinos at KM3NeT-ORCA out of more than 400 poster presentations!

With his poster, João presented the prospects of searching with the ORCA detector for new physics phenomena, such as sterile neutrinos and non-standard interactions, using atmospheric neutrinos. Among its highlights were animations presented as flipbooks and also available here. Following the award ceremony, the posters were presented in five minute summary talks in the plenary sessions.



ARCA is growing up

IMG_621516 May 2016 – During a five day sea campaign last week, two detection units for ARCA were deployed at the Italian KM3NeT site. On board the Ambrosius Tide, the detection units arrived from the harbour of Malta at the KM3NeT-It  site, 80 km off-shore the South-East of Sicily. After a survey of the area and inspection of the deep-sea infrastructure, the units were deployed at their pre-defined locations. With a speed of about 12 meter per minute, the descent of a unit from the sea surface to touch-down at a depth of 3500 meter took about 4.5 hours. Read more

KM3NeT selected for the 2016 ESFRI Roadmap

Screen Shot 2016-02-23 at 12.17.57 PM copia10 March 2016 – Today, at its launch event at the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences in Amsterdam, the European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) announced that KM3NeT 2.0 is selected for the 2016 ESFRI Roadmap for Research Infrastructures.
The ESFRI Roadmap identifies new Research Infrastructures of pan-European interest corresponding to the long-term needs of the European research communities. Read more