KM3NeT - News Archive

Archive of news items

Interested to join KM3NeT? The Collaboration invites new members

KM3NeT-Collaboration-2015022423 May 2015: The KM3NeT Collaboration invites interested scientists to join the effort of building and operating the new generation neutrino telescope in the deep seas of the Mediterranean. Currently, the Collaboration is constructing the first phase of the detector. In the KM3NeT-Strategy Report 2015-05-06 you can read about the plans of the Collaboration for the next step, i.e. realising the high-energy ARCA detector at the KM3NeT-It site and the low-energy ORCA detector at the KM3NeT-Fr site.


KM3NeT 2.0 – ARCA and ORCA

KM3NeT-ARCA and ORCA10 May 2015: KM3NeT has defined the next step in the realisation of the research infrastructure in the deep seas of the Mediterranean: KM3NeT2.0 to conduct Astroparticle & Oscillations Resreach with Cosmics in the Abyss with ARCA and ORCA.More in the KM3NeT-Strategy Report 2015-05-06.




€15 Million boost for European Astronomy

Launch of the EU funded ASTERICS project 


1st May 2015: Astronomers and astroparticle physicists today are celebrating a €15 million EU funding boost for European telescopes with the launch of the ASTERICS project (Astronomy ESFRI and Research Infrastructure Cluster), which will help solve the Big Data challenges of European astronomy and give members of the public direct interactive access to some of the best of Europe’s astronomy images and data

Press release: pdf

KM3NeT-Fr – First seafloor network node installed

KM3NeT-Fr: Deployment of the node in the darkness of the early morning.27 Apr 2015: In the early morning of 27th April 2015, the first node of the seafloor network at the KM3NeT-Fr site was successfully installed. This is again an important step in the realisation of the KM3NeT neutrino telescope. During this April campaign, the node was connected to the 40 km long electro-optical cable which connects the network to the shore station. Read more

The Collaboration is expanding – Morocco joins KM3NeT

24 Feb 2015: On 24 February, during the KM3NeT Collaboration meeting in Valencia, the Laboratory of Physics Matter and Radiations (LPMR) of the Mohammed 1st University in Oujda formally joined the KM3NeT Collaboration. Focus of the group will be at the search for monolpoles and physics with the low energy ORCA detector in KM3NeT-Fr. With LPMR, the KM3NeT Collaboration now counts 42 institutes in 12 countries. The total number of scientists in the Collaboration is about 240.

KM3NeT-Fr – Cable comes to shore

KM3NeT-Fr: Laying the MEOC toward the powerhut at the beach23 Dec 2014: For KM3NeT-Fr, about 45 km off-shore Toulon, France, the Main Electro-Optical Cable (MEOC) connecting the deep-sea infrastructure with the shore was deployed. This is a major step in the construction of the KM3NeT-Fr installation site. The main cable lands in a power station at the beach of Les Sablettes, La Seyene sur Mer in the South of France. From there a land cable station with the control room of the shore station where the signals from the deep sea are collected, processed and submitted further over the internet to the central data repository in the computer centre in Lyon, France. More on KM3NeT-Fr.

KM3NeT Strategy Document – Phased implementation of the KM3NeT Research Infrastructure

KM3NeT2.026 November 2014:  The KM3NeT Collaboration has published its strategy for a phased construction of the KM3NeT Research Infrastructure at three locations in the deep seas of the Mediterranean at the southern coasts of Europe. The first phase of construction has started with furbishing the KM3NeT-Fr and KM3NeT-It locations with both deep-sea and on-shore infrastructures to host several hundredths of optical sensors of the neutrino telescope and two Read more

KM3NeT-It – Prototype detection unit operational in the deep sea

KM3NeT in the deep ea - Launcher of Optical Modules07 May 2014: The first KM3NeT detection was put into operation at the KM3NeT-It installation site, 100 km off the coast of the South East of Sicily, at a depth of 3500 m. Since more than a year, the first KM3NeT optical module is already operational inside the ANTARES telescope, situated close to the KM3NeT-Fr installation site, 40 km south of Toulon at a depth of 2400 m. With the successful completion of these two important technological steps at two different installation sites, the realisation of the first phase of the distributed KM3NeT neutrino telescope is well on its way. KM3NeT-Press release 2014-05-11

GNN – Global Neutrino Network formed

GNN-LR15 Oct 2013: The spokespersons of the ANTARES, Baikal, IceCube and KM3NeT Collaborations established the Global Neutrino Network (GNN) by signing a memorandum of understanding “for a closer collaboration and a more coherent strategy among the four neutrino telescope communities, resulting in significant synergistic effects and benefits for each individual project to pursue its science goals”. The GNN is the first step toward a truely Global Neutrino Observatory.