This neutrino had more energy than the LCH
This neutrino had more energy than the LHC
An educational video by @particleclara, particle physicist and scientific influencer.
This neutrino had more energy than the LHC
An educational video by @particleclara, particle physicist and scientific influencer.
Exploring the neutrino universe with the Kilometre Cube Neutrino Telescope (KM3NeT)
In the Innovation News Network (27 November 2024).
To be published in the 20th edition of the quarterly The Innovation Platform.
Machine learning techniques deep underwater in KM3NeT
In Europhysics News the magazine of the European Physical Society (Issue EPN 53/2, 2022).
In the ‘Technisch Weekblad’ in the Netherlands.
20200211 – Detectorbollen inpluggen op de zeebodem
In Dutch, about completion of ORCA6: ‘Op de bodem van de Middellandse zee plaatsen onderzoekers lijnen met deeltjesdetectoren’
20171017 Art et sciences au centre Mandela