Several actions have been undertaken in order to improve the accuracy of this event and prepare the detection of the next ones of this kind. An upgrade of the positioning system is planned: this upgrade, designed for improving the precision of the absolute position and orientation of the detector, will allow for pushing the accuracy of the particles’ directions from the level of 1.5° which was estimated for KM3-230213A down to the target value of ∼0.1°. This upgrade will hold for all next events, but it will also allow for correcting the measurement of KM3-230213A retroactively. Secondly, as the construction of the ARCA detector continues, both the capacity of collecting events and the reconstruction capabilities will improve. Finally, an online alert system is being set up, which will allow for distributing alerts with the time and direction of interesting neutrino events shortly after the events are detected – a key improvement for multi-messenger searches.