Best poster at CNNP 2017
26 October 2017 – The KM3NeT Collaboration congratulates Giovanna Ferrara of INFN/LNS and the University of Catania, Italy with the award of the best poster presented at the Conference for Neutrino and Nuclear Physics, CNNP2017, in Catania, Italy.
With the poster ‘First results of the KM3NeT/ARCA detector‘, she presents the preliminary results of detailed studies comparing Monte Carlo predictions and the measurements collected in about a year of data taking with two ARCA detection units. In particular, she shows that the measured dependency of the flux of down going muon particles with the depth in the sea is in agreement with prediction. The results confirm that the ARCA detection units are well calibrated.
Giovanna presented the poster on behalf of the KM3NeT Collaboration. Co-author was Simone Biagi, INFN/LNS, Catania, Italy