KM3NeT - talks

KM3NeT at #icrc2019


28 July 2019 – The bi-annual International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC) is one of the most important conferences  where astroparticle physicists share their latest results. This year’s conference, the 36th edition,  is organised in Madison, Wisconsin, USA, from 24 July – 1 August.

Together, the ANTARES and KM3NeT Collaborations present their results in a highlight talk by Rosa Coniglione and in total 35 talks and posters.


















For the experts:

Below a gallery of  contributions  presented  at #icrc2019 on be half of the KM3NeT Collaboration. They comprise technical work, calibration work, data analysis, software developments and predictions of  sensitivities of the detectors and theoretical limits. Click on the images for the proceedings.

